That Had Them/Sto Imalo Ih Je Poem by Miroslava Odalovic

That Had Them/Sto Imalo Ih Je

...that they had
the nightmares that had them
and the time they had that had them
with a little practical first aid kit
in case the world ends the way it's been
at least yearly anounced
sometime from March to December
and almost imperceptibly that they had
the goals the dreams that had them
as well as the time that had them
they had? like a never made of always
most of all they knew
that they were known by things they never knew
with a will of a throne it red carpet like walked them
from dire to straights only blood
they had in the dropp recorded they were
in a biometrical test that had them
tested on the meaning of the cells immemorial
they had blood? like a clock an hour hidden by their brother
for being an eternal possession of naming
the names they had that had them
covenantly uttered amidts the language made of light
the light they had a sight amidst the blindness
that had them for being had amidst the darkness
twilightly with the hands unembraced sand and a candle of fear
what they shiverred with shivered them summoned by the wind to sway
for the wind it was the last singing that sang them
amidst singing the last swaying that swayed them sleepless
the dream they had? that had them dreamt fate vowed stricken
never awake for awake a new different possession had them
the gap overstepped by waiting the pit of knowledge eye apples
off the knowlede of good and evil they watched
that watched them without blinking carefully
the result of the reason tainted by memory
with too much possession at the eye bottom ti watch
the same old passion with which poetry
builds the world and destroys the worlds a stone to stone
omen and glimmer

...koji imali su
što imali su da imalo ih je
noćne more što imale si ih
i vrijeme imali što imalo ih je
sa malim praktičnim setom za hitnu pomoć
u slučaju da svijeta okonča kako se bar jednom godišnje
negdje od marta do decembra uvijek najavljuje
i sasvim neznatno što imali su
ciljeve snove što imali su ih
a i vrijeme što imalo ih je
imali su? kao jednog nikad od uvijek
a ponajviše što znali su
da znalo ih je i što znali nisu
sa voljom od prijestola crveno tepihno hodalo ih je
od nemila do nedraga samo krv
što imali su je kapljom zabilježeni
biometrijskim testom što imao ih je
za provjeru značenja ćelija od vajkada
imali su krv? kao jednu od brata uru skriven sat
za bivanje vječnim posjedom imenovanja
imena su imali što imala su ih
zavjetno izgovorena sred jezika od svjetla
svjetlo imali su vidjelo sred sljepila
što imali ih je za imalo se sred mraka
primračno rukama odgrljen pijesak i žižak od straha
što drhtali su drhtalo ih je vjetrom prizvano da se njiše
jer vjetar to posljednje pjevanje bješe što pjevalo ih je
sred pjevanja posljednje njihanje što njihalo ih je bez sna
san imali su? što imao ih je za snivati snom sudbom zakletom
nebudjen jer budjen drugačiji novi za posjed imao ih je
čekanjem premošćen jaz jame znanja jabučice očne
s poznanja dobra i zla gledali su
što gledalo ih je netremice bez treptaja pomno
ishod razuma pomućenog sjećanjem
s previše posjeda u dnu oka za gledanje
jedne iste strasti kojom poezija
svijet gradi svjetove ruši od kamena kamenu
spomen i sjaj

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