That's Life Poem by Mamta Agarwal

That's Life

Rating: 5.0

Life is not fair,
So it is futile to compare.
Grass always seems greener on the other side,
Who knows what skeletons in their cupboard people hide?

That couple who seem to be made for each other,
In privacy, for all you know may not be talking to one another.
The man who seems to have achieved all his goals,
Might be waging wars in the silent chambers of his soul.

A woman may hide her tears behind her make up and smile,
As she doesn’t want to appear cynical and senile.
We all have to play the cards we have been dealt with,
And try to remain calm and not seethe.

Every hardship is an opportunity to grow,
So keep on moving even if you feel low.
I hold silent conversations with God,
And ask “what lessons am I supposed to learn lord?

If in silence you listen to your inner voice,
You will be able to maintain your poise.
Don’t lose hope, at times that’s all you have.
Take one day at a time and be brave.

Acceptance, surrender gives a lot of peace,
Lighten your burden and help one to move with ease.

Subbaraman N V 03 February 2008

A great poem! thanks for sharing! Some of my poems in ph reflect this nice poem!

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Seema Chowdhury 03 May 2008

Mamta, this is such a lovely poem. the wordings are superb and the flow is excellent. the words are so true. keep on composing poems, you write so well. take care and thanks for sending your lovely comments about my poems. hope you'll rad more poems and will send your comments.

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Raj Nandy 06 May 2008

Mamta dear, You have expressed so well some of my inner thoughts which are inside and are unexpressed! -RAJ

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Rakesh Bedi 25 August 2009

A nice poem, mamta........! Acceptance and surrender, huh? May i add...... unqualified surrender....; the key words (sorry, if it is wrong)

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Sulaiman Mohd Yusof 01 July 2009

Thanks for the great advice Mamta.You're soooooo good! !

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Ency Bearis 03 October 2008

a great write...enchanting verses..with the message... Ency Bearis

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Ashraful Musaddeq 17 September 2008

A brilliant work. Beautiful. Love and added 10.

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Sathyanarayana M V S 22 August 2008

The gloom in life and the way to tackle it and all those connected ramifications so touchingly spelled out...this is another classic from ur pen...always so meaningful and thoughtful...10++++++++

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