The Boys Poem by Herbert Nehrlich

The Boys

And YOU, of all people, honestly,
it is not easy for me to understand,
you are asking me how to fix this thing?
Fix us? Make us whole? Lovey, dovey?

I must, on this triste Monday morning,
tell you, that I do NOT miss you,
don't NEED to kiss you, however,
my dear, I would like you to get,
if you don't mind and do get my drift,
get my buddies, all of them, lined up,
like for deliverance, bring the banjo,
but this is, please listen, my only
my deep down hidden desire, my lack,
my socionutrient deficiency, acquired,
yes, or in the blood, I need, like my
daily and enriched bread, the company of
my buddies. Not a thing more, not now.
That is what has made me ache,
long, cry at night and grump at the world.
Boys only, naturally, no zebras, please.

Pradeep Dhavakumar 11 February 2005

Nice touching one.Thank you.

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Amberlee Carter 11 February 2005

Hey H, this piece is really moving. As I was reading it, I found my heart rate speeding up. I think it had something to do with the way you structured it, made me sit on the edge of my seat. Another thing it brought to mind is a piece I've been working on for a while. I've actually finished it more than once, but it's still not where it needs to be. I've been revising it for 2 years now. Anyhow, this was the stanza your poem brought to mind: ' they painted the angels black and it wasn't about being ethnically correct or making a movement, it's because they're all dead inside and all they know of divinity is how well dark paint can reflect light.' Thanks for sharing this poem with us, it's incredible. Always, Amberlee

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Christine Magee 11 February 2005

This is so powerful, Herbert. You have a unique voice. Very best wishes Chrissie

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Daniel Ramirez 11 February 2005

Ah, If life was onlyas black and white as the zebras. There's a lot here Herbert. I like it. Very nice poem.

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