The Bridge Poem by Mysia Hayling

The Bridge

Rating: 5.0

We all knew he had potential
But never thought he would be so special
And his life would be so memorial

He raced with not only his body
But his soul and heart
Which set him apart

He gave the world a rude awakening
Never knew Spice Island was so amazing
Everyone marvel at the Spice boy blazing

After all these years he broke the trend
HIs speed being his only friend
While the world watch and try to comprehend

He made history with his feet
With his undefeatable fleet
He flown our flag for the world to greet

He rose from humble beginnings
Yet dazzle the world with his winnings
His self discipline and determination
Made him an inspiration to the nation

Grenada took gold
our national colours shone bold
the greatest story ever to be told
We give God the glory
Praise him for the victory
We praise him for his talent
The world can't stop comment
It is indeed a phenomenal moment

Grenada is just a tiny dot
But what tremendous talent we got
The Caribbean has a lot of shining star
Let's be proud of who we are
And embrace the spirit of our jaguar
Grenada is now found on the map
as a son of the soil bridge the gap!

poem dedicated to Our Olympic Champion Gold medalist holder 400m (2012) Kirani zeno James of Grenada

Thursday, January 5, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Pamela Sinicrope 05 January 2017

I love your poem and the title is perfect. You write about a glorious runner and relate him as a bridge from Grenada to the rest of the world. Very well done.

1 1 Reply
Mysia Hayling 10 January 2017

thanks very much Pamela I really appreciate it.

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