The Greatest One Poem by Laquory Jones

The Greatest One

I'm trying to be the greatest one
Prophetic and empathetic as they
Come I'm the poet not to be
Over-done Inner brain matter
Tends to over run so many things
That I had to overcome
Not looking for the Praise just the
Respect of my peers
But I won't turn it down if you
Want to give me some

Verse 1
Just another poet on the hunt
For immortality have I not given
You all the heart inside of me
Long live every poet searching
For longevity I admit its going
To be hard getting rid of Richie
Why he keeps talking about
Himself in the third degree

Verse 2
Because in my hearts of hearts
I feel as if I hold the keys
With the static electricity
Running through my soul
Texas now buried within
A weeks of snow
The world can become bitter
Cold and it'll be like this until
My days of old or at least I've
Been told but through this pen
Of gold I have no choice but
To break through the mold
My slogan is to never fold
That goes for the big and bold

Verse 3
Don't you go getting discourage
I'm here to encourage
Grant you any type of courage
That you may need no doubt you'll
Get cut with the dagger sword
That'll create scars that'll be too
Painful to endure but let the
Pain run its course It's through
The veins that you can truly
Soar mark my words that you'll
Become stronger than you ever
Were before and that's when
You'll begin finding yourself
So drip the ink with no remorse
And you'll see yourself start to
Flourish don't mind me just giving
You nourishment for the soul

Verse 4
I myself have lofty goals
Perhaps one day you can tell me
Yours because I'm sure that
You'll change the world even it's
One poem at a time
Sparking the young generation's
Minds I guess it'll all happen in
Due time within the sweat and
Grind I'm just trying to breathe
Within you life of inspiration

Verse 5
Perhaps you'll be the one to
Change the nation for the
Greater good a revelation that
I decree from a fellow poet
Whose planting seeds
Helping any poet that may be
In need just know that my
Two cents are free
All that I ask is that when you
Finally do just keep me within
Your memories for centuries

I'm trying to be the greatest one
Prophetic and empathetic as they
Come I'm the poet not to be
Over-done Inner brain matter
Tends to over run so many things
That I had to overcome
Not looking for the Praise just the
Respect of my peers
But I won't turn it down if you
Want to give me some

Hope you enjoy
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