The House On The Corner. Poem by Michael Walker

The House On The Corner.

Rating: 5.0

They are taking things away,
From the brick house on the corner,
In the skip and removal truck today.

The rooms have lost their furniture:
The cupboards their cutlery and crockery.
They have taken it all away.

The books are off the shelf:
The computers are all logged out,
But not in the skip and removal truck.

In the garden where there were flowers,
Tall green weeds have now overgrown:
But they are taking all these away.

I worked at the house today
Carrying outside assorted bric-a-brac
Into the skip and removal truck.

The house appeared to me weeping
Because it had lost everything.
They had taken it all away
In the skip and removal truck today.

- 11 February 2020. (revised) .

Thursday, February 6, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: life
'Skip'=a large steel container for removal of any rubbish, usually to the tip.
The poem is true in all respects. My brother owned this standout house in Auckland. I am on holiday in the city and I helped the workers on-site. The poem is an example of having a 'different' personal experience to write about.
Villanelle- A nineteen-line poem of five tercets (three-line stanzas) and a final quatrain (four-line stanza) . There is regular rhyme. The first and third lines of the first stanza are repeated alternately at the end of stanzas 2-5; then again as the last two lines of the poem (not necessarily word-for-word) .
Darwin Henry Beuning 07 April 2020

Michael, Nice poem, so very true. Reminded me of my poem - Blue Dipsty Dumpster. To My Poem List. An Outstanding " 10" .

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Savita Tyagi 06 February 2020

Some time I sit in my chair and look around the books, pictures, computer and i pad.....your poem paints a vivd and dismal picture....some day all will end in a trash!

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Michael Walker 19 February 2020

All of the items you mention were part and parcel of the house's character. But your possessions need not end up as trash. I did not want to paint a dismal picture, but rather, evoke nostalgia. Thanks for your comment.

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