The Importability Of An Evolution Type Origin Poem by Gert Strydom

The Importability Of An Evolution Type Origin

Scientist that believe in evolution, do not believe in an omnipotent God.
Out of nothing there is suddenly an immense explosion
but so do come into existence according to them energy, stars, planets truly

which is more improbable than ten to the power of eighty
and by itself a planet becomes fit to sustain life.
Scientist that believe in evolution, do not believe in an omnipotent God

and in this way man wants to lay claim to the power of God,
with the power to give life to a single cellular thing
but so do come into existence according to them energy, stars, planets truly,

where they do claim that all living things do come from that cell,
that in a tree-like structure it started to exit by its own accord.
Scientist that believe in evolution, do not believe in an omnipotent God

and the existence of man is drawn back to the baboon,
everything living is distorted to these kinds of facts
but so do come into existence according to them energy, stars, planets truly

but the record does show an existence pattern that is like a lawn,
as if everything at the same time came to life with offspring.
Scientist that believe in evolution, do not believe in a omnipotent God
but so do come into existence according to them energy, stars, planets truly.

Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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