The Joys Of Spring Poem by Gert Strydom

The Joys Of Spring

The very first joy of spring
is the blossoms that are arriving
white on the apricot tree and pink on peach
while the starling and the rook are pecking at their delight
up to the twilight
and the doves do their love-songs sings
right into the night.

The second joy of spring
are the new flowers that are blossoming
on the geranium in white, red, orange and pink
and purple, orange, yellow and blue
on the irises that are distinct
while the roses are full of new growth after their pruning,
the first spider and daylilies are flowering when they are due
and the very first red roses that I pick for your love that is true.

and the third joy of spring
is the days of sun that are lengthening
the sky that is changing to its summer blue hue
and birds that from their seasonal flights are arriving
while small seedlings are planted by you
and suddenly everywhere there is new growth as a stunning thing.

The fourth joy of spring
is the rain that are intermittently falling
turning even the grass green
and it is giving new life to everything
changing from the dull death of winter to how it had been
as if such a lovely sight have never been seen.

and the fifth joy of spring
is that every seedling, stem and flower is growing
in their natural abundance at balance
and that almost everything is blooming
is lustrous from up close and from a distance
and the happiness that I see on your countenance.


While it seems as if Mother Nature do hear
the rasping prayers of the frogs, the howling of the dogs
in their selenologues
as the rising romantic moon shines clear
and this is going to be another great year.

© Gert Strydom

Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: nature
Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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