The Lord Weeps! Poem by Nabakishore Dash

The Lord Weeps!

Rating: 5.0

Many were in a long queue
to have a glimpse of the lord.
The priests were very busy
reciting mantras of God.
The holy man saw the deity
inside the crowded shrine.
Came out, found an exact live
replica of the divine.
He was sitting atop a big black stone
at a distance from the temple boundary.
The holy man went straight to him
to assuage his quandary.
He was shocked to see his gloomy mood
as if his heart was in deep distress.
Tears of sorrowful emotions
were trickling down his face.
Very calmly asked the holy man
the cause of his sadness.
The lord said' I wanted to remain
in the hearts of all my creations;
all have kept me in my desired
place except the humans.
They drove me out of their hearts,
confined me in either photographs
or idols in differently named shrines.
Further I am the creator and architect
of all you see in this terrene.
I am one, but the human beings call
me by different names.
In stead of being kind to all,
they remain committed to dastardly actions.
Not only do they inflict pain on others,
but also they are tormentors of their own.
My purpose of creating them
has been a total failure.
These are basically the reasons
of my shedding tears.'

Good weeps to see the dastardly acts in which humans are enthralled.
Evelyn Judy Buehler 27 July 2022

A wonderful, heartfelt poem.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 25 July 2022

Lord never is there in peacock....

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Nabakishore Dash 25 July 2022

This poem is posted as these are reflections of my heart when I see and read things in my leisure.Hope none of my revered readers will misunderstand me.There is absolutely no intention to afflict any pain in any one's individual emotion..

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