A hardcore criminal
annoyed a monk, time
and again, asking him
how to meet God.
At last the wicked was
told to ascend a mountain
with five big pieces of
stone on his head.
After some initial climbing,
the criminal expressed
inability to proceed further
because of miserable pain
in his neck and backbone.
The monk allowed to
throw the uppermost piece
from his cranium.
Ultimately all pieces were
discarded, one after the other,
at repeated intervals
on his complaints of pain.
Only then he could reach the
apex of that mountain.
At the top, the monk explained
him that it is impossible
to reach the supreme Creator
with the weight of all our
sins, misdeeds, greed and illegality.
Only when we cast off those
wrongdoings from our mind, speech
and action, meeting with the
God would be a reality.
A good preaching poem that should be read by all...thanks for sharing
This should be read by all poets, since the philiosophical input is huge, and we as poets do live with this philosophy in our life..Great poem, Dr. Dash! Revisiting this poem is a must to get the best insight!
Truly brilliant.....well deserved POD.......thank u, dear poet.....
A beautiful and meaningful poem of faith. Well thought out and expressed.
Congratulations for having this wonderful and well thought out poem as Poem Of The Day. An accolade you truly deserved.
A meaningful story coined in a beautiful poem. Brilliant presentation. Creating a story is sometimes the best way to impart knowledge / lesson.
I guess I'll never meet 'my maker'. And She will never meet me! ! ;) bri
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
CONGRATULATIONS on being chosen as THE MPOTD! . TOP Marks! Sharp philosohical provoking poem, amazingly rendered! Most deserving Dr. Dash!