The Plight Of Humanity Poem by Mihaela Pirjol

The Plight Of Humanity

Imprisoned within these five senses, —
Experimental rats, deluded in the labyrinth!
We know nothing; though, we feel,
We cannot perceive the imperceptible.
Confined within these five senses,
We carry on assuming and presuming
An existence far wider than we can comprehend:
Imagination, intuition, vision, telepathy,
Currents of energy, shadows of missing entities,
Untraceable smells, voices murmuring,
Whispering incomprehensibly, yet understood,
And we name it—Insanity: extensions of perceptions,
Expanding, illuming, communing, communicating,
Feeling and harmonising: —Insanity?
No! —Frequencies of Energy,
Elevated States of Consciousness,
Extending their helpful hands from
The Sanctitude of the Unknown:
Guiding lights into insights,
Fields of energy vibrating into the sound of silence:
The silence communing with the human-soul
Through invisibility: the Earth rotates, and creates
Visions of shadow and light, suffused
In Solar and Aeolian energy, inducing
States of transcendence of spirit
Into realms of divine, contrasting with the senses.
Love finds its place into higher dimensions
Through spectrum of light, in fusion
With the sounds of the beating heart:
The blood flows through the veins,
Gravitation is pulling us ‘down to earth':
Thus, we are grounded into blindness—
Reduced to serpents, crawling, and serpentining
Between right and wrong, between surviving and soaring:
Mostly, fearing soaring—for soaring equals death.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: universe,earth,human condition,humanity
Valsa George 16 March 2018

We are constantly baffled by the mysteries of life! We assume that we know much! But in a complex universe, so much remains unexplained and we are constantly eluded by mirages! Though man is confined within five senses, our soul transcends beyond the confinement of the senses into regions ethereal! You have brought in all the complexities of human condition!

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Edward Kofi Louis 08 November 2017

Down to earth! ! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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