The Pros And Cons Of Marital Dependency Poem by Ted Sheridan

The Pros And Cons Of Marital Dependency

Rating: 4.1

It has been at least five years since you and me
have spent more than a few hours apart from one another.
I came home tonight to an empty house, a hungry dog and a confused bird.
The drapes and curtains were still open and the porch light was dark.
The smell of dinner staying warm on the stove was absent,
as was the delicious smell of your usual afternoon bath and powder.
The bird was perched on top of his cage instead of your shoulder;
quietly he sighed as if he too missed the sound of your voice.
The dog, she just followed me around as if somehow she figured
I’d discover you hiding in the closet or in the garden with your flowers.
There was not even a television game show host or judge to tell me
what I’ve won or why I’d been sentenced to solitary; and it’s only been
less than six hours…
I found the cold tuna salad you left for me and I savored the fact
that no one alive boils an egg or mixes in the love the way you do.
I did the dishes and put them away; even the dog licked her platter clean.
Retiring the bird for the night I went upstairs to write about the emptiness
of the hours I was facing until your return; what was I going to do.
Morning came early today; generally you allow me the extra sleep
because you know I am an insomniac who sleeps best just before dawn,
but the sunshine and the heat woke up the bird that then awakened the dog
who in turn came to into the bedroom and thumping her hind leg as she
scratched her itch of curiosity as to why her breakfast was still in the can,
disturbed me just enough to make me open my eyes to the truth….
You were not home and I was unfortunately in charge…
So I cut the bird his grapes filling his cup with nuts and fruit,
changed his water, whereby he requested his bath
just as the dog ran to hide so as not to be involved in anything requiring
her getting wet…
And I finally I sat down to relax; with a much deeper appreciation
for all that you do to make this place a home….

2008 © TS

Thad Wilk 07 June 2008

This is such a wonderful read Ted! ! It don't take long to miss the pros in the marital dependency, department. *10*! ! ! Best wishes, Friend Thad

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C.R. Clark 07 June 2008

Becoming 'enlightened' is not always an easy task, eh. I really like this poem. Thanks Richard

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