By the road of ways
In the three-part shadow of troubled sleep
I come to you the double the multiple
as like you as the era of deltas.
Your head is as tiny as mine
The nearby sea reigns with spring
Over the summers of your fragile form
And here one burns bundles of ermine.
In the wandering transparency
of your noble face
these floating animals are wonderful
I envy their candour their inexperience
Your inexperience on the bed of waters
Finds the road of love without bowing
By the road of ways
and without the talisman that reveals
your laughter at the crowd of women
and your tears no one wants
On the bed of waters! ! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.
In the wandering transparency of your noble face these floating animals are wonderful I envy their candour their inexperience Nice poem. Loved it.
Haunted in the winnowing of time, he grasps at a thorn someone left in his side, where a delta compounds the shadows of troubled sleep. Such a person arrives on the roads of an era, glimpsed in clearings while bounding with animal elegance. He lets go of talismans and goes into rippling waters, to experience that person's ways of finding love. This man is a troubadour for our time.
Beautiful poetry. Great imagery gives birth to a great poem like this one. Love is dripping thick from every stanzas. By the road of ways In the three-part shadow of troubled sleep I come to you the double the multiple as like you as the era of deltas. ... is awesome.
What a beautifully lyrical masterpiece. Dreamy and fluid and ethereal and still solidly grounded and almost tangible. Like a dream. But isn't that what one expects from one of the founding fathers of surrealism? Of course. The shifting images are magical, floating into one another, baffling reason while simultaneously speaking directly to emotion and the deeper awareness that words are only an evanescent messenger for something that cannot be spoken of directly, that cannot be adequately captured by the rough, craggy logic of reason. Fidelity to the transient, giving transparency to the inherently opaque, breaking down barriers to find the warm inner source of being, these are the successes Eluard works to eloquently to convey.
You get an excellent handle on this. He uses the eyes of an opaque thing to see that thing, and thus finds its transparency. His transitions defy any opposition between concreteness and immateriality. See my comment above.
Your inexperience on the bed of waters Finds the road of love without bowing By the road of ways and without the talisman that reveals your laughter at the crowd of women and your tears no one wants.... loved reading these..Great poem shared.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Love knows no season..... Great poem.....