The Self 3: Never Is This Soul Born Poem by Aniruddha Pathak

The Self 3: Never Is This Soul Born

Never has this soul been born,
Nor ever of life been shorn,
Nor, once having come to be,
He shall ever cease to be,
Beyond birth and eternal,
Primordial, He's perpetual,
Should this body be slain,
The soul would still remain.|| 2.20 ||

Sanskrit text
n jayte im/yte vakdaict\\nay& -UTva -ivta va n -Uy: |
Ajo inTy: =a¼to™y& pura8on hNyte hNymane =rIre ||Ê.ÊÈ||

Sanskrit transliteration
na j@yate mriyate v@ kad@chitna aya> bh#tv@ bhavit@ v@ na bh#ya*
aja* nitya* sh@^hvata* aya> pur@%a*na hanyate hanyam@ne shar$re
From among select verses on ‘Self, atman' from Bhagavad-Gita
Sanskrit text: Fonts used (Hitarth Hin Jalak/ Hindi Saral-1/Shree-Guj-0768)
Sanskrit Transliteration: Fonts used (Sanskrit Roman)

Sunday, September 16, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: soul
Dr Dillip K Swain 10 March 2020

Sir, you are turning out to be ggeat poet but you have very wrong calculation...I will tell it to you in right time! Right decision in wrong time proves wrong! I am fearless because I have no malafide intention. please observe the wind which is decisive! Go with all not with a crooked one please sir!

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Aniruddha Pathak 10 March 2020

Dear poet Dr Swain, I'm really impressed how you have stated this. And you seem absolutely right. I'm a bit of misfit in life. Whatever little I've achieved in life is despite me. I rarely go with the flow like a fish, but against it. Last, you have chosen the right poem to comment on this point.

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Edward Kofi Louis 23 November 2019

Life! ! Birth, Living. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Aniruddha Pathak

Aniruddha Pathak

Godhra - Gujarat
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