The Smart, Sexy And Saucy Me Vi Poem by Gayathri Seetharam

The Smart, Sexy And Saucy Me Vi

The smart, sexy and saucy me VI
-Gayathri B. Seetharam
Kobe Bryant and his 13 year old daughter and the others - here now and gone the next moment
This is how fleetingly precious life can be to some
Kobe's family left to mourn a devastating loss
Have to pick up a new thread and weave a blanket of life
That will protect them as well as Kobe Bryant did
May all of them who lived their lives until that fatal moment
Go to heaven and may their souls rest in peace
Or as the Hindus believe, carve a new life for themselves reborn in a new body;

The smart me decides to digress and dwell on the shell surrounding
The tortoise in PM Justin Trudeau who has beaten me, the hare, hollow
And in that hollow, I could like to build upon my career dreams,
And achieve what seems to be an impossible but probable goal of making money for my work,
I shall make a sculpture, A Metaphorical Composition, of a lupin in a pair of hands joined together as
If they were signifying a flower in bloom,
And this is to represent my 28th wedding anniversary which we celebrated with a lovely Mexican dinner,
All the three of us in our family;

The sexy me, secure in the knowledge that her latest three videos have been telecast
By a television channel in Alberta as a part of an episode of my fictional Sexaholic Shopaholic Workaholic series,
By the Alberta government,
Plans to tape again if I get a green signal from PM Justin Trudeau, "guac" in dollar value,
And I am creating dance moves which are not too difficult for me
And other fresh aspects of the entire show
But then again, I could settle for the Alberta government's work contract with payment;

The saucy me thinks flippantly but cannot voice it
For I don't make a paycheque anymore
That what is feminist in me, some feminist men
Would not care for
But remember, gentlemen, I do have a feminine side
And I shall bake a Dutch apple cake with maple syrup
And top it with butter icing and top it with hazelnuts
Or practise making a blue flower which are blue like PM Justin Trudeau's eyes
As a Hindi song went, These eyes which are as deep as the pool
Have a secret deep as the depths of the pool in them
May I praise the Lord who made you,
Coming back to my lines in the poem, I beseech of you, Mr. Trudeau,
To publish and pay me and fund me for my small business projects.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: feminism,myself,smart
Bri Edwards 30 January 2020

Please let me know when MY cake is served at MY place at MY table in the U.S. No sense traveling all the way to Alberta if you can deliver it. bri :)

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