The Thank Poem by Vaibhav Simha

The Thank

Rating: 4.8

Oh, Lord! I thank you...
For the miracle you brought,
The dreams that rise and the hope that is absolute
That is within us, in the grace of your name!

With a rise in love, and for the glory of my vow-
That is the ode of respect I have, to thank you, my Lord.
In the eyebrow of life, the dazzling rainbow!
That contains the seven instructions of life.

Without you, I'm not bestowed with the life and love you have given me.
Deep inside the heart, the soul I yield
Praises you, for the greet of your infinite wisdom,
And that I have my fullest freedom!

Friday, April 14, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: gratitude
Dr Antony Theodore 28 March 2019

In the eyebrow of life, the dazzling rainbow! That contains the seven instructions of life. deep inside my heart, i adore you my God. without you i have no life. thank u. tony

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Brian Ben 18 November 2017

beautiful poem........... Without you, I'm not bestowed with the life and love you have given me. Deep inside the heart, the soul I yield Praises you, for the greet of your infinite wisdom, And that I have my fullest freedom!

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Jazib Kamalvi 15 April 2017

An honest gratitude. Thanks

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Vaibhav Simha 15 April 2017

Thank you. You can also read my other poems and post your honest opinion.

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