The Spectrum Spirit Poem by Vaibhav Simha

The Spectrum Spirit

Rating: 4.6

Of the seven colours adorning the rainbow,
All equally graceful, all with the same glow,
The riverine blue does mollify the earth
With streams and ponds in abundance—nothing in dearth.

The pacific zephyr runs and gushes down the flow
And ravishes those who amble by its bank, I trow!
Entraps them in its love, rejuvenates their lost goodness,
And, in the end, havens their troubled souls in hallowed fondness.

Then comes the essence of the emerald:
The tender rapture to the eyes in the viridity,
An insight into the ethos of the Oswald,
Where the rustling leaves in the breeze sing of amity!

The eye devours the scene of darkness and yearns for verdant lakes;
It feasts on the deific light that beams on the canopies, clad in delight.
An artist, a poet, a man of all, cannot help but know that it needs many takes
To paint its picture, in colours and words, before comes the twilight.

And here comes the twilight flaunting its amethyst gleam,
Which festoons the darkling land in the image of a dream.
All decrepit spirit ebbing away in its purplish deeps,
Bidding farewell to the sun which over the horizon peeps.

The chirping birds and buzzing bees all turn to home,
As the trees await their return on the burnished loam.
The welkin is overjoyed to welcome the retinue of the moon,
For in its twinkling is the power to destroy the sadness of the gloom.

Then glimmers the ruby diadem of the newborn king,
Who dispels the horror of despair and births new hope.
Oh, maidens and lads, quell thy sleep and rise to sing,
For it's the time to rejoice in bliss, not to despair and mope!

Once again revved up is the valley, fulgent in its orange cloak;
Verdant as always with breezes amok and the azure seizing the skies:
The painter-poet now paints, in words and colours, the rapture of the merry folk,
As they rush like shoals to witness the casting of the final dyes.

Curtains drawn! Now behold the golden, sunlit barley of the morn!
‘Fare thee well, oh nightly stars! ' cry the violets, ‘We take thy place while you're gone! '
And dotting this frame, the violets have become an enthralling feature,
But only after the rainbow streaks the sky completed is this picture of nature!

The poem celebrates and elucidates the manifestation of the colours of the rainbow in nature and how these affect humans and living organisms.

0. essence of the emerald: (here)the colour green
1. mollify: (here)calm
2. burnished: improved or enhanced (second sense)
3. amethyst: a dark purple or indigo gemstone
4. Oswald: the meaning of the name Oswald is "god's rule or reign"
5. viridity: greenery
6. painter-poet: painter and poet (a function of the en-dash)
7. ruby: (here)the red colour
8. darkling: (here)becoming dark (participle of 'darkle')
9. the newborn king: (here)the rising sun
10. trow: to believe
Valsa George 22 April 2020

A fantastic poem.....! Difficult to believe that you wrote this at this young age. This looks like a poem from a seasoned poet. Both in meaning and in style, the poem is outstanding and I wonder if there is any other poet on this site who can express so well..........! Hope these words coming from my heart won't make you conceited and overconfident! You can still strive to improve! All the Best!

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Me Poet Yeps Poet 22 April 2020

One of the most delightful poems ever composed by a youth poet16 Vaibhav Simha...It appears you have been trained in the use of abstract words also you explain so diligently Hope all PH will read you my dear a poet not in the budding but already flowered fully Great poem Vaibhav do comment on Moms Smiles 399/500 POEM OF mine

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Dr Antony Theodore 22 April 2020

The pacific zephyr runs and gushes down the flow And ravishes those who amble by its bank, I trow! Entraps them in its love, rejuvenates their lost goodness, And, in the end, havens their troubled souls in hallowed fondness. This is sooooooooo beautiful my dear Vaibhav. a classical one, the beauty, greatness, innocence, joy that leads us to a spiritual world of God. thank you dear poet. tony

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Mahtab Bangalee 22 April 2020

really amazing you are at this age; Poetess Valsa George is right in her compliment for you; it's true that your poetic expression is exceptional; your choosing words are unique; and you are wonderful rocking poetess to me in this site

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Vaibhav Simha 22 April 2020

Thanks a lot, but I want to tell you that I'm a boy.

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Dr. Antony Theodore 03 January 2021

The eye devours the scene of darkness and yearns for verdant lakes; It feasts on the deific light that beams on the canopies, clad in delight. An artist, a poet, a man who has poetry in him. tony

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Me Poet Yeps Poet 04 June 2020

Of the seven colours adorning the rainbow, I spoke to the rainbow it did not hear me PP ME thought deaf he too may be I smiled at the rainbow it did not smile back at me PPME thoght he must be as blind as me I rushed towards the rainbow it rushed farther away from PP ME what could I do but return with the rain in the eyes of PPME You must tell us how to contact your RAINBOW O GREAT youngest poet of PH a PRODIGY ARE ye

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Falana Zion 11 May 2020

This is really nice Simha.... I wish you well....well done.

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Rajnish Manga 07 May 2020

Thanks for the poem which reflects your great love of nature through some of the most exotic images I have ever seen. 'The Spectrum Spirit' is full of promise for the young poet's future projects. Thanks for sharing the poem.

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Naila Rais 30 April 2020

Wonderful poetry! 10++ To my favorite. Naila

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