The Type With Very Thick Skin Poem by Raj Dronamraju

The Type With Very Thick Skin

She told me the fable about the sun and the wind
And how the sun was so arrogant so as to tell the wind I am more powerful than you
But the wind proved the sun wrong through varied use of power

Her telling of the story was different than the original as the sun was the one who proved himself right through using sunlight for both destructive and helpful purposes
Her version was the one for people with thick skin

She was the sun and I was also the sun
But we both visualized ourselves as the wind
We both viewed ourselves as stoic and brave
And immune to the clatter of the claws of the crowd

The sun apologized
But there is no way I would ever apologize for being who I am
And expressing my real thoughts which can cripple weaklings with the force of a collapsed building

Love's stinging tirade
Falls upon the deaf ears of the quietly confident
As it can never be proven non-factual
So is dodged nimbly or blocked as if it was never issued at all

Friday, July 5, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: identification
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