The Under Valued Pawn Poem by Ace Of Black Hearts

The Under Valued Pawn

Setting the example, setting the bar.
How can we expect others to follow such a travesty.
A dying dynasty.
Which at some point meant something.
Reaching a new low.
Becoming everybody's favorite punchline.
Beating upon a already dead horse.
Trying to make it look as if it is still galloping with a heart beat.
An illusion of perversion, cruelty.
Never seeing the face behind mask.
So many questions need answers, and few are ever asked.
Still pretending we are living in past.
So afraid of how things will change.
Power, Money, and Notoriety.
There are those who want too control it, and there are those who want to spread it out too infinity.
Take the few and turn into the the many.
But sometimes the lines of whose whom, aren't drawn so clearly.
Propaganda the misleading mystery.
Generations information overload.
Time to close all the windows.
Let the headlines be blurred, because it has to start local.
Becoming our own heroes, in our own little world.
Fighting for truth without the rose tinted glass.
In in its ugliness, full disclosure.
Conspiracy, means your brave enough to try and provide an alternate theory.
One viewed to be false, or in contradiction of presented assumed to be genuine facts.
But who dictates what's real?
The masses blinded by sweet words?
An advertisement is targeted and use on you.
Our social nature being used against.
Deemed now a threat, we lose our freedom of a voice.
To provide quality insurance.
Once censored there is no undoing the damaged that has been done.
Fear nothing but the concept of fear it self, to justify silencing you.
A democracy eating itself, alive.
And what for? Protecting a certain standard of opinions?
Then the people must scream, they must shout and never stop in till their voice is heard.
Take a pawn, and turning it into a queen.
Making it across the chess board unnoticed and unseen.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: life,politics
Bernard F. Asuncion 10 May 2018

Such a well expressed fine poem👍👍👍

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