The Unheard Oath Poem by Parameswaran Nair Damodaran Nair

The Unheard Oath

Rating: 5.0

Oh! Light that leads all through the dark
Stay before me a moment, let my eyes behold thy light
To kindle the dead lamps of memories I carry

Let not the incessant flow of Time's mighty stream
Take away along with it the precious jewel box
With the glittering pieces of golden memories

It's your joke to take away what I love the most
Cruelly and recklessly without the least of botheration
Spare, at least this one, I keep close to my chest

Leave in my memory my poor neighbour class mate
Whose mother fearfully served me love rich meals
Along with her children when I was playing with them

Leave in it's grave my love for my little girl friend
Who dared to share with me her umbrella in rain
To save my'100' on the slate for maths unwashed

Suppress not the warm affection for my class mates
Who shared with me their precious belongings,
May be a piece of chalk or pencil, a gooseberry or a flower

All dipped in honey-sweet innocence and undefined love
That keeps us bonded till this day and perhaps till the last.
Keep in me unforgotten the unheard oath I had taken for friendship.

Ramadas 15 November 2018

The poet cherishes fond memories about the little girl who shared her umbrella with him, his poor neighbour's loving mother who served meals to him and the school friends who shared little things with him. His only prayer to the Almighty is to spare these golden memories which he carry close to his chest without slipping them to the oblivion. Great poem DPN and I am proud of you.

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Savita Tyagi 21 April 2020

Beautiful and heartwarming poem of precious childhood memories. thime's hands are cruel. Inch by inch, and breath by breath it takes away all that is dear to us.

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sreekumar 25 January 2019

Deeply said the childhood innocense. These memories always enlighten our heart

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Thank you Sreekumar. It is truly said that we live in the present standing on the past and looking at the future

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Valsa George 15 December 2018

Memories are treasured things we keep close to our heart. If they are taken away from us, we will definitely feel miserable. We have sweet memories about our childhood friends or our school days. By reviving those memories, we re create our good old days! A beautiful poem! A 10

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Thank you great poet. Your comments always keep me elated. To cherish memories is human speciality and I am not exempt

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Dr Antony Theodore 29 November 2018

Leave in it's grave my love for my little girl friend Who dared to share with me her umbrella in rain To save my'100' on the slate for maths unwashed All dipped in honey-sweet innocence and undefined love That keeps us bonded till this day and perhaps till the last.....these descriptions are really touching and the reader remembers his childhood......... beautiful memories...... long past but still alive in our cells. thank u daer poet. tony

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Parameswaran Nair 29 November 2018

Thank you Dr. Tony Brahmin. Innocence is Gods gift, we have respect it

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Prabha Nair 20 November 2018

Loved the poem. Someone who take care of little things that mean so much to us brings a feeling of an ever lasting gratitude towards that person. It's great that you could describe these words in your poem.

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Thank you Prabha. Its not only the gratitude but memorising also matters

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