The Wild Fire And The Mother Poem by Parameswaran Nair Damodaran Nair

The Wild Fire And The Mother

Rating: 5.0

The giant dragon advanced hissing aloud
Licking with its tongues of hot red flames
In countless avaricious wide open mouths
And devouring everything in its unjust course.

Ashes, flames and smoke rose to the sky
Covering from visibility the jungle around
Yet she spotted out her home-tree afar.
How could a mom miss her nest and chicks?

Much frightened and distressed, her chicks
Cried out for their mother in extreme agony.
A fire that began to burn inside the mother
Tempted her to fly to the nest risking her life,

The union was much solacing for them
Even amid the engulfing dreadful wild fire.
The baby birds were too young to fly, and
The mother was unable to fly carrying them.

It became impossible for them to withstand
The torrid fire, the black smoke and fumes.
As the giant flames began to peep into the nest
The mother shielded them under her wings.

'Fly away mom, save your life, leave us to our fate,
You can still lay eggs and rear chicks', they prayed
The more they insisted the faster she held them
The raging fire was not kind enough to spare either.

As the victory march of the heartless fate advanced
Smell of burned feathers and flesh arose out the nest.
Later, on the wilted leaves of the tall trees were seen
No dew drops but tear drops fell down from above!

Mother's love their children so much that they are ready to sacrifice own life for their sake
Indira Renganathan 22 June 2023

A very touching dolorous poem. Also a beautiful write that stands out as an example as to how to write a sorrow poem. Remarkably great

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With abundance of gratitude I humbly acknowledge your lofty commends, dear neighbour poetess

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2) If I remember right, the incident occurs, when Arjuna burns the Forest Khandava for building the capital for their new kingdom, which was named Khandavaprastham.

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You are right. But the bird family finally become safe

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A fantastic story, most beautifully penned. A great ode to motherhood and love. There is a similar story in Mahabharata.Hope the poet has read it.

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Yes, dear poet. I had only a vague idea of the story.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 09 June 2023

A deeply poignant yet beautiful poem. A vivid and brilliant depiction of a great love of a mother, love that is beyond comparable. To my favorites.

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I have come across a great story, somewhat like this, in the Upanishads. It really touched my heart. Mother's love is inexhaustible though apologies are there. I bow my head before the selfless love of mothers which human memory can carry everywhere for energy and encouragement.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 09 June 2023

A very touching scene of a union of a mother and children showing their great love among each other in time of adversity. This is beautifully expressed and presented in the penultimate stanza of the poem.

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I have tried my level best to pour in the sentiments

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