The Winner Of The Postcode Lottery Poem by Paula Glynn

The Winner Of The Postcode Lottery

A man of 70 years old with only a little money
With a 65 year old wife who faithfully cooks and cleans
And two confident working grown up children
With teenage children of their own
Does defy the small odds of winning the lottery
Having won the Postcode Lottery.

Two million pounds now rightfully sitting
In his once empty and bare bank account
But now he can pay all the bills
Now he can decorate his wonderful home
With a gorgeous new bathroom and kitchen
And enjoy his luxurious home.

His happy children and grandchildren
Do celebrate with the lucky 70 year old man
Having sadly spent his life poor
Having only known inadequacy
Only dreaming of impossible dreams
Like travelling to China and France.

Now going to the cinema more often
Now going to the exciting theatre regularly
Now going on coach daytrips every summer
Now going abroad twice a year without fear
Him enjoying the airplane ride with pride
Now wandering around summertime gardens.

Family members happily spoilt rotten
Him paying for his grandchildren's university education
His family knowing everyone works hard
His Postcode Lottery winnings his own
Him never being a fool quickly parted from his money
For he is wise and intelligent with his millions of pounds.

Paula Glynn

Paula Glynn

Essex, Britain
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