There Is Nothing Like Accepting My Own Ignorance Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

There Is Nothing Like Accepting My Own Ignorance

I argue with no one,
Fixed and stuck in false beliefs.
Those who have been in routines,
For generations.
And doing things taught...
Without researching their own thoughts.

Those who choose to do what grandma,
And grandpa did.
And if that was good for them...
That same mindset was handed down,
Disregarding the technology...
Of the times we live!

There are those so far behind,
Today's times.
To leave one to wonder who is blessed...
Those who have lived in rustic isolation?
Or those who live in a mess,
With constant reminders of their 'intelligent' devastations.

And attempting to speak with common sense to some...
Leave those attempting to do it,
Stunned to find out...
Very few have none!

I argue with no one,
Fixed and stuck in false beliefs.
Those who have been in routines,
For generations.
And doing things taught...
Without researching their own thoughts.

As long as I've got my own 'insights' I trust,
I find it simple to go my way...
Feeling freer today to be myself,
Caring less who may think...
That I am the one who is nuts!

There is nothing like accepting my own ignorance.
With challenges to accomplish my own deeds.

Anita Atina 05 December 2008

This is such a familiar feeling Lawrence. Wonderful to see it captured in your inimitable style.

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