'' They Use Talking For Communication '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' They Use Talking For Communication ''

My parents were making a funny noise,
While looking each other in the face,
I was busy playing with my toys,
It was like a drone from outer space.

The aliens have landed I suddenly thought,
They were making a terrible din,
I'd hide in here in case I get caught,
I could feel them get under my skin.

I text my friend to ask if he knew,
Did his parents do much the same?
He e: mailed back saying he just withdrew,
Whenever they played that silly game.

I decided this needed looking at,
Were all adults really that sad?
It's a bit like watching a dog and a cat,
Could our elders be all barking mad?

As I roamed the streets it was total despair,
For this grunting they all had a craving,
All I could do was just stop and stare,
Everywhere I looked they were ranting and raving.

I then visited my Grandparents house,
Gran was holding something attached to a wire,
Granddad was squeaking like a stamped on mouse,
Of this adult behaviour I was beginning to tire.

I then ran home and tabled all my friends,
This madness had gone too far,
Into the depths this adult behaviour descends,
It's disgraceful and totally bizarre.

I went on to the web to the history page,
Could they possibly shed any light?
What I found out put me in a rage,
This just couldn't possibly be right.

In the past this was an ancient way to learn,
It was prevalent throughout our planet,
This was causing me great concern,
I must find a way now I can ban it.

This is something the young could never endorse,
It's a primitive form of oration,
It will never catch on it fills us with remorse,

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