They Went Home Poem by Maya Angelou

They Went Home

Rating: 4.2

They went home and told their wives,
that never once in all their lives,
had they known a girl like me,
But... They went home.

They said my house was licking clean,
no word I spoke was ever mean,
I had an air of mystery,
But... They went home.

My praises were on all men's lips,
they liked my smile, my wit, my hips,
they'd spend one night, or two or three.

They Went Home
Freewill Amon 13 December 2012

Yeah! .. I'm one of those avid admirers that hate to break hearts and have a one night stand just because I saw something that pleased my heart. To all the cute and sexy ladies out there, I wanna say, Yes I did! ..

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Vyktor Ekott 19 February 2011

fabulous. In your poems, i see a woman who's got heaps of confidence stored up in her. They always go home, amidst the praises and all. Nice one

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Rehana Nazli 13 August 2009

The power of a strong woman scares the weaker men. Your poem brings forth the reality of those men who face such dilema due to whatever reasons. A lovely heartfelt poem, Maya. Rehana NAZLI London,13th August,2009

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Jia Kho 01 August 2009

reminds me of one greek myth... though i forgot which one. it's about a beautiful woman, who was always adored by men, envied by women, but even with such stunning looks, men just smiles, pauses then admires her, then continues on their journey once more. or in your words... 'they went home'. it seemed that no one thought good enough of themselves to be worthy of such beauty.

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Rinki Nandy 05 February 2010

they went home.....thhis is commen everywhere now, men spending few days with you, admiring you, loving you and faking you at last leaving you.

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Chinedu Dike 05 June 2022

A wonderful poem elegantly crafted with artistic brilliance.

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Mustafa Test 11 June 2021


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Suryendu Chaudhury 27 September 2020

Another poem on the castigation of patriarchal hegemony.

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Dr Antony Theodore 04 August 2020

My praises were on all men's lips, they liked my smile, my wit, my hips, they'd spend one night, or two or three. But... understanding the life of a woman. tony

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Adeeb Alfateh 16 February 2020

My praises were on all men's lips, they liked my smile, my wit, my hips, they'd spend one night, or two or three.///satirical stanza

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