Things I Learned From My Dad Poem by Glen Kappy

Things I Learned From My Dad

Rating: 5.0

Money doesn't grow on trees.

I don't have to shout.

Running in front of cars could get me killed.
Fathers don't like to give spankings.

Learn from your wife.
Lavish her with jewelry and tickets and time...
Treat her like a queen.

There's a time to work hard
and a time to rest.
At least once a week stay home
turn on a game
make potato salad or cole slaw—
do something to uncoil.

Stay active—physical.
Providing is love.

Tenderness and generosity
are fitting in old age.

Friday, December 27, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: advice,father,father and son,modeling
Bharati Nayak 05 January 2020

A great poem- -Wisdom gained from father - - The words are really worthy.

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Glen Kappy 05 January 2020

i'm glad you saw this poem, and thank you, bharati. wishing you a good week, glen

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Smoky Hoss 02 January 2020

Absolutely gorgeous poetry this one.... peacefulness, in practice...

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Glen Kappy 03 January 2020

hy, smoky! good to see your name and comment—thank you. glad you liked it. with time to do it, i've been working on poetry, including assembling the poems on my dad. yesterday i wrote an introduction to it. the idea is for the collection to include my twin brother's writings as well as mine. i'll send the introduction to you via the ph private message route. -glen

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Glen Kappy

Glen Kappy

New York, NY USA
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