who wants to wage war
with the Orgy of Four?
against those who don’t score
them an Eight or more?
go ahead, leave a low mark
leave a comment if you dare
let them know exactly what
you think, but beware!
they might strike back with some witty verse
or post a crude bitchy sonnet
you see, there’s no room up on the High Horse
while the Orgy of Four are on it!
how dare you give them Ones
they deserve not a score so low!
two of them once drank tea with the Queen,
and two are published writers, you know?
we all crawl on our stomachs
while they sit next to God
their poetry is perfect
its the JUDGES who are flawed
so go on, you Foursome,
fight your battles for those Tens
the rest of us will go on without you
and beat our swords back into pens
Allan, you forgot to add 'Tiny battles come from tiny minds'. H
Hassler why is it when i think of you, i think of shylock and jewfish easter is nearly here, i am so pleased you are part of this site, what would i do without you, you are a constant source of amusement, your poetry is hillarious and your spelling devine, you really look after me i'm thinking of putting you in charge of my shoes, or do you you like to lick boots you like licking things dont you Anyway have a good easter Warm regards AJS
How pathetic. Is it because your poetry is a pain to produce and then proves to be not worth having gone through the effort? As to beating your swords back into pens. It seems to me that you are in posession of neither. A sword would be too big for your puny arms and a pen, well, what would you do with it. Chew on it? H
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Well Jake seems like you've hit a nerve. Amazing how simple it is to roust the rabbits from the briar patch. the rat sniffs the cheese giving into temptation SNAP...the trap is sprung