To My Grandson Poem by Kinsley Lee

To My Grandson

Rating: 5.0

There is a long way in front of thee,
And thou must go the way at alone.
Thy family can help but not with thee.
Thou must go the way with the legs by thy own.

The Woods, flowers, muds, deserts
Will be there, sometimes the Milky Way
Shines on thy head, when thou walk the outskirts,
And sometimes at the collapsed road, losing the way.

But thy dad or mom can't go on behalf
Of thee, even though thou stumble on the obstacle,
Thy family can't replace, so, laugh
That off and rise, not trusting the miracle.

Sometimes thou will stand on the two roads in the wood,
But thou must choose the one for thyself,
Fully request the opinions but thou should
Decide to choose the road for thyself.

At young, thou feel the front road too long
For thee, but not and look back, it requests me
Sequential decision, there are many prong
Of the roads and it'll too be true of thee.

And after long time has passed, at dawn,
On the desk, thou'll sit under the lamp,
In a certain autumn day, to yawn.
And to write the letters to thy lovely scamp.

Kinsley Lee


I am an expectant grandfather and do appreciate your emotions. Thank You

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