To My Poems End Poem by Shaun Cronick

To My Poems End

Rating: 5.0

Relaxed at last,
My eyes closed tight.
What will I write,
And share tonight.

Another poem,
For all to view.
And if creative,
Perhaps even two.

I need a theme,
To write about.
Maybe a mystery,
To catch you out.

Possibly a duel,
Good versus evil.
Maybe historic,
Something medieval.

Maybe a romance,
Young lovers adore.
A boy meets a girl,
On a golden seashore.

Perhaps a horror,
I love to write about.
So dark and gross,
It'll freak you out.

Maybe a fable,
Simply for kids.
They'll read forever,
Till bedtime bids.

Could be a deep one,
Your mind can't shrink.
Let alone hide from,
It'll make you think.

I say aloud,
The words I write.
If it flows ok,
I know its right.

Now I've come,
To my poems end.
I look back,
On what I've penned.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: love,love and art,poem,poetry,thoughts,writing
Bernard F. Asuncion 29 January 2020

A well crafted awesome poem......10++++

4 0 Reply
Shaun Cronick 29 January 2020

Thank you for your generous and gracious comment Bernard. Any comment from a world-class poet as your good self is more valuable than mere gold. And I thank you again good Bernard and take care my friend.

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