To My Sisters Poem by Melvina Germain

To My Sisters

It is 4: 07am, well I was hoping to sleep a wee bit longer but it is what it is. I woke with a beautiful young lady on my mind. I met this beauty yesterday, tall, Black and gorgeous. I admired her looks, her smile and her fabulous ebony skin. She carried herself with confidence and that brought a smile to my face. Her image is bold within my mind right now. I also met a very vibrant and O so friendly Latino lady, we chatted only a moment or two, I felt Blessed to have those moments with her. Moments later, a very pretty tall blonde woman in red walked by in her amazing high heel shoes and I stopped her for a hug, she was lovely. Another woman took my eye and we gazed at each other for a few seconds, I told her, she was beautiful and she reached up to my ear and told me the same. We spoke for awhile about how women should continually support each other and we both agreed that we need to work on that a lot and get over this jealousy some have within them. I'm uplifting all of these ladies in prayer this morning.

I went about my business, chatting with many people there, men and women. My friend wanted to sit at a table to eat, they were all taken but a young lady saw us looking and caught my eye and she gestured for us to join her. Moments later I observed her reading a most beautiful piece of writing and I listened to some of the words about our friend Orunamamu. Later she was leaving and I called out to her and told her I didn't want to lose touch with her, and gave her my business card. I hope she will be in touch at some point.

I'm calling out to my sisters this morning, give your sisters support. Give them that pat on the back, a shake of the hand or a beautiful hug. We all have our attributes, strengths, dreams, goals and so on. We all have our own suffering, we share a general fear as our physical strength is not the same as some of the male brutes in society. Most of us share that marvelous ability to create and to bring forth the miracles of this world, we are amazing beings and we need to walk and be proud of the Queens that we are. Instead of wasting precious time with jealousy in our hearts, longing to look in ways that we can't, we simply must realize, we are all beautiful in our own way. Admiration, love, respect and compassion goes a long way and what we gather from that, takes us to a higher level. We will be happy in every stage of our life if we make the effort to become the best that we can be. Support your sisters, be happy for them.

You know life has its curves and I've said many times prior, you never know where the road ahead will take you. With a clear mind, emptied of darkness, that road won't make the wrong turns but when a person delves into the depth of darkness, the mind is marred and bad decisions take hold. Be well within yourself and love yourself enough to take great care of 'you' so you can walk with your eyes wide open, then only good will await you down that road. Continue to do the things that you need to do with love in your heart, in order to get to the place where you want to be.

A wise gentleman said to me the other day, women are as beautiful as they want to be. I find that a remarkable statement, we create our own masterpiece. On the outside, we can sculpt our bodies to the best of our potential and on the inside we can build strong minds, a beautiful heart and a loving and soothing soul.

Love to all of you this morning my sisters, I love you, respect you and wish you well on your journey of life.

Melvina Germain

Melvina Germain

Melvina Germain

Sydney, Nova Scotia
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