Uncomprehending The Healing Aspects Of Listening Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Uncomprehending The Healing Aspects Of Listening

Starting all over again to make things better,
Will do...
Make things better?
And for who?
The very same people who allowed destruction?
Those responsible for the creation of conflict?

People refuse to identify themselves,
As the culprits!
Or deny they hand picked their own enemies.
To refer to them as terrorists.

Who began the outsourcing of jobs?
To send them away,
At the expense of cheaper labor.
Whose products were deemed inferior made?
So other products would be savored.
Who began the marketing of decadence?
To find money easier to be had and spent!
Who stood by to watch unruly children?
As disrespect was ushered in...
With a greeding of deceit,
Making a mockery of discipline!

And the rise of racism is on their own land.
The affects of this,
They themselves began.

What is it they wish to do?
Make things better?
And for who?

Aren't these the same people who made it clear...
Their way of life was much endeared.
Aren't these the same people,
Who had values and standards...
Better than those they now say they fear?

What is it they wish to do?
Make things better?
And for who?

A self examination has of yet for them to begin.
This should be prioritized as a revelation for them.
But they remain in denial.
Uncomprehending the healing aspects of listening.

A mindset rehabilitated,
Is what people need.
A mindset rehabilitated,
Is what people need.
A mindset rehabilitated,
Is what people need.

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