Untamed Spirit Poem by Nosheen Irfan

Untamed Spirit

Rating: 5.0

Let's dance in the rain
to wash off our pain
Our feet moving to the rhythm
of life
Our souls freed from the bondage
of body
Why sit here and fret and fume
over the long-lost hopes and dreams
Let us mingle with the spirit
of rain
In every drop, it carries
a fairy tale
Rain has the face of freedom
Every tree, every leaf
drinks it in abundance
Let's imbibe the untamed spirit
of rain
Dreams are not to be locked
Desires are not to be caged.

Nosheen Irfan © 2016
All Rights Reserved

Untamed Spirit
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: freedom,life,rain
Valsa George 07 April 2016

In the untamed spirit of rain, let us wash away all our pain. In the sultry heat of summer, the very thought of a down pour cools the spirit. Lovely poem Nosheen!

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Nosheen Irfan 07 April 2016

Thank u so much Valsa for your lovely comments.

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Daniel Brick 09 April 2016

Dreams are not to be locked / Desires are not to be caged - Amen to that! I like the tone of your poem: it is upbeat, inviting, already doing the dancing that it encourages its readers to do, B-U-T I also sense a deep current of real need in you to boost your spirits. This is not just fun for fun's sale, but a sincere attempt to lift yourself and others who might be down to take charge of the situation, to take action and make things better. Like the Beatles song HEY JUDE - TAKE A SAD SONG AND MAKE IT BETTER!

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Nosheen Irfan 11 April 2016

Very insightful Daniel as always. You reach the soul of things. Thank you so much.

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Unnikrishnan E S 01 June 2016

Yes Nosheen, dont cage your dreams. Give them wings. and Let them fly!

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Edward Kofi Louis 21 April 2016

Rain dance! With the muse of freedom. Nice work.

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Dreams are not to be locked Desires are not to caged Wonderfully expressed emotions with sincerity of heart and soul.Keep it up Nosheen Col Muhammad Khalid Khan

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Ayman Parray 13 April 2016

A beautiful poem my friend, Nosheen.

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Edmund Strolis 10 April 2016

Your awareness is worth all of the gold that this world conceals. You understand the depth of pain and loss, of sorrow and disappointment, of set-backs and disillusionment but you come armed with that most important gift. A determination to dance in the rain, to stand tall and not only not surrender but to charge head-long into life's rain and be replenished by it. Rain has the face of freedom, every leaf, every tree. This poem joins a handful of others in my favorites. Let us mingle with the spirit of rain. No search for mountain top splendor. Why when each raindrop has its own fairy tale........yes.

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Nosheen Irfan 11 April 2016

Thank you Edmund for a stellar review.

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Nosheen Irfan

Nosheen Irfan

Lahore, Pakistan
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