The Storm Poem by Nosheen Irfan

The Storm

Rating: 5.0

Today the sky wept
With a passionate, fervent plea
Pouring out his pain in floods
Unrestrained, full-throttled gush
Torn from black clouds of silent grief
In a ceaseless stream of tears
Held back long inside the fears

The sky wept and wept long
Unburdening himself of heaps
Of untold miseries he collected
In his bursting bosom over time
The land winced under his wail
The birds unconsciously forgot their wings

Why did he weep?
As if his heart had burst
As if his chains were unshackled
As if his locks were smashed

The land found no answer
She could but little divine
The meaning of this violent rupture
She imagined little
That the sky cried for her
For her barren, shriveled soul.

Nosheen Irfan © 2016
All Rights Reserved

Friday, February 5, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: agony,disaster,nature
Galina Italyanskaya 21 February 2016

And this one is touching extremely. Reading poems like this I don't want to write myself.

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Nosheen Irfan 22 February 2016

Thank you so much Galina but you must write. You write beautifully.

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Kim Barney 29 February 2016

Wow! This is great! I was drawn to this poem because I have one with the same title (I wrote it back in 1973) . Very well done, indeed.

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Nosheen Irfan 01 March 2016

Thank you kim for reading n appreciating. I'll read yours too.

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Afrooz Jafarinoor 30 June 2016

A surprise-ending poem! I enjoyed the personification a lot; quite touching subs!

2 0 Reply

Such a magnificent poem! Five stars.

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A revisit makes me happy and content that I have read true poetry once again

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Extraordinary aesthetic talent manifest in this poem

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Made a revisit after many days. Feels great

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Excellent poetry. Loved it

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Nosheen Irfan

Nosheen Irfan

Lahore, Pakistan
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