What Can I Do? ! Poem by Dislocated Heart

What Can I Do? !

Its been quite a while, and honestly I cant lie, I've been thinkin bout you all the time.
I felt maybe you've moved on, and you probably have..
Now I'm asking.. why cant I?

The mind of mines, tell me its time..
Looking at a girl, with blue green eyes..
Amazing she is, going through all my family problems wit me.
Puttin up with my stories, that she claims to love.
Tryin to put a smile on my face, when all I have to do, is think of you to get me through the day.

She has done everything and more, but I havent fallen..
My friends tell me, to ask her out.. her friends tell me,
how she cant stop for a second without smilin, never seen her so happy.

I guess its the next step, in what I must do, to what I really want.
Maybe I'll fall after a month dating..
she txt me every morning.. just to tell me ' hey babe, I miss you last night' or to even call to hear my sleepy voice at 5 am.
before she is out and running.

I dont think I deserve such thing.. such love she gives..
I feel like I'm playin her.. as if I'm leading her on..
when I'm still in love with another..

I cant help it, that each night I end my thoughts with her in my mind..
Its wrong, but I cant help that my heart is beating for her..
Its her, that keeps me going..
Its her, that I'll never stop loving..

Sunset moonshine 30 March 2009

that is amazing.. This is very deep... Every body goes threw time like this... Never feel like your all alone.. Cause you never are...; D Keep up the fantastic work...

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