What Does Darkness Mean To You? Poem by Jeremy Horsford

What Does Darkness Mean To You?

Rating: 4.8

Does it mean...you will continue your existence or the end of your existence is upon you?

Does it mean...you are about to share light with someone thousands of miles away or you have spent your periodic allocation?

Does it mean...you have just been freed from nine months of incubation or serving time for a life of inconsiderations?

For you...is darkness the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning?

For me...darkness is what leads me to the light.

Saturday, December 27, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: darkness
Dr Abhilasha 11 May 2015

Your poem spells very much the oriental consciousness or rather Hindu philosophy to be more precise. Good.

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Abby Sze 13 May 2015

A poem with positive attitude and encouraging. I wonder if you might feel I share similar view with your idea in my poem Dark Force and here comes the sun; D

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Maryia Kotsur 18 November 2015

Darkness has so many sides, and it clearly showed here. For me darkness is a chance to rest before the long trip to light.

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Cloud Sans 28 August 2015

for me, darkness is when i saw you. for me, darkness is when you saw me. and for me, darkness is when we couldn't find a word to say Hi! when we meet each other.

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darkness has to end when light snds signal of its disappearance and never gaining any chance

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Naida Nepascua Supnet 29 May 2015

We interpret sadness in countless numbers And yours is different from mine and theirs But one common thing that we share- is the knowledge that darkness appears to bring us different things that each of us needs.

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Hazel Durham 15 May 2015

Lovely write with deep questions to be answered and I would conclude the same!

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Jeremy Horsford

Jeremy Horsford

London (United Kingdom)
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