I got to thinking the other day.
About you and me and senile decay.
Will I still be red hot when I’m sixty four.
Will you still turn me on as you did years before.
When we find a hotel and go to book in.
Will we ever remember what names to fill in.
When I arrive a bit late will you still hear my knock.
Or will you be stone deaf and keep the door locked.
Will we both still fit in the bath late at night.
Will we look in the mirror and not get a fright.
Will we still walk for miles come rain or come shine.
Have days full of smiles and drink lots of wine.
Will we go to the disco or will you say hell no.
Will we cuddle and dance slow or do the ago-go.
Will you still be my lady in red.
Will you still turn every head.
When I think of these things in the future I know.
I get a bit sad and a little bit low.
Still there’s one consolation I’d like to relate.
I know you won’t like it, you might get irate.
You’ll be older than me, when I’m sixty four.
And drawing your pension to meet me once more.
But don’t worry darling, I know you’ll still be.
Pretty as ever and the whole world to me.
David - Kid stuff! My girlfriend Anna Busby, a pearl harbor survivor is now 93, and still as active as ever! See my 'Secret of Old Age' and see if you agree. Thanks - Cheryl
David, I love the clever humour inserted here and there. Wonderful poem brought a smile to my chops and why not. I've got another two years and then I'm sixty four. Brilliant poem. Top marks from me and thanks for sharing it my friend. David
Such lovely feelings David. Funny how we think of things like that. I can remember when I was around 15, wondering what I would be like at 50. LOL If only I had know then what I know now! Great Poem. I loved the read.
Oh you are clever as well as a good writer.....You take the reader back to The Beatles and 'Will you still need me, when I'm sixty four'....Thinks that was the age in it as the tune runs through my mind....Or than there's the old one I'll love you forever when you're old and gray.....or better yet that book by Dr Seuss for children of all ages,1 to 100, 'I'll Love You Forever.' Perhaps the best book for all ages out there..Anyway, I transgress, sorry, but this is truly a wonderful poem. ~~~marci. :)
Splendid work here, David...Pristine structure...cascading flow...Clever versing FjR
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
great write & flow very enjoyable read really liked it mike fanniesson