Your Suicide Note really tore at my heart,
When I saw your picture and read what you said.
It effected me deeply and I could not sleep,
For thinking of you, not wanting you dead.
There is obviously sadness effecting your life,
From the hurt you describe, in the words that you write.
The loss of a loved one, a mother’s neglect,
I don’t know the detail but the hurts really deep.
Fresh faced, mischievous, pretty and cute,
Vivacious and so full of life.
Smiling eyes and luscious red lips,
A Poet, a Cook, a Cat person to.
When I look at your picture I really want,
To take your hands and caress them in mine.
To tenderly kiss your lips and your neck,
To hold you and hug you and make it all right.
Your hurting effects me I don’t know why,
A total stranger who I never met.
Who you loved and lost, I really don’t know,
But you have love to give, that I can tell.
You must be loved by lots of folk,
But that special love seems missing just now.
Your sexy and sensuous, that shows when you write,
Your my Teacher, a Girl, a Lady, a Woman.
You want respect as a Woman and as a Writer to,
Well you have that from me and many others for sure.
Love and companionship is something you need,
And you are sure to find that again soon.
I have completed my task without any Rhyme,
Hope the Teachers not shocked or displeased.
At confessions I’ve made or how she’s perceived,
I would hate to cause more hurt or pain.
Hello Devid... I do not hesitate to tell, Without tear could not read, thanks for such a poem and for the kind soul..... Tsira
This is an amazingly STRONG write of a poem David. I had to read it twice. Not because of the subject manner, but because of the way you genuinely care for this 'Stranger' I like your style. Always, Linda
David, I wrote a poem not long ago called A Stranger. Not the same as this and you sound like the stranger in that poem of mine. A person with an outstretched hand to help. Another wonderful penning from you. I beginning to like your style. Top marks and thanks for sharing it my friend. David
I myself have been witness to suicide and know how it really is such a sad, terrible thing and I think you’ve expressed it very accurately, Well written.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
No one, absolutely no one have I ever seen show so much heart and concern for another.......Very admirable traits, especially when rarely seen in a man.....Your compassion in here may help more than just 'one' here, hold on! .....marci.xo