Where Do Birds Go In The Rain? Poem by Jim Yerman

Where Do Birds Go In The Rain?

Rating: 5.0

You have to marvel at the innocence of children…
You have to wonder at their brains….
The other day I heard one ask:
Where do birds go in the rain?

I did not hear the mother's reply…
her answer or suggestion..
For I was lost in reverie…
concentrating on the question.

And I thought how wonderful is that innocence…
It is music…it is rhyme…
and I thought how endearing is that innocence…
whose only enemy is time.

I do not know when one loses their innocence
Does anyone? …I truly doubt it…
But I imagine it is one of our saddest days
when we stop to think about it.

As I watch the problems in the world unfold
As I look at the mess we adults have created
It seems to me we could use more innocence
Like the kind that child stated.

Yes, as I watch what's happening in the world
I long for the time when our daydreams were free of pain….
When the questions we asked were innocent….
Like where do birds go in the rain.

Thursday, September 7, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: innocence
Akham Nilabirdhwaja Singh 07 September 2017

A nice analogy.Thanks for sharing.10

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