Who I Am Poem by Melissa L Tamayo

Who I Am

Rating: 5.0

I was born from insecurity
I’m as loyal as can be
I barely knew my father
I’m a mother of two sons
I fall in love with everyone
I’m a sister and a niece
I cherish all my memories
This is who I am

I’m a lover and a fighter
I also have a daughter
I was born in the Bronx
I’m as complex as a fox
I’m faithful, but a sinner
I lose but still a winner
I’m happy and I’m sad
I’m a blessed with what I have
This is who I am

I am cursed when I think the worst
I let my imagination burst
Inside I fight insanity
Outside I’m sane as can be
I shut down when I face defeat
I strive when I hold my pride
This is who I am
Some can’t understand

Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: happy,self reflection
Chuy Amante 11 October 2015

a no-brainer you are perfect exactly as you are keep blessing

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Sandra Feldman 28 April 2015

Very complete and deep vision of who you are. Liked your very well done, poetic calling card.

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