Wisdom Is She Poem by Melissa L Tamayo

Wisdom Is She

Rating: 4.0

She's a perfectionist
She's courageous and full of knowledge
She's courteous and intrigued by those she meets
She turns unfortunate situations into thought out lessons
Never speaks a thoughtless word
She's careful with her actions
and always knows to keep a calm prestige
Wisdom Is She
She's wiser than man will ever be
She knows nothing but truth
Lies do not exists in her world
She carries answers to questions unknown
Her heart knows no greed
She wears her it on her sleeve
Wisdom Is She
She's thoughtful and puts all needs before hers
She loves with passion and energy
Instead of lust and words
Her affection is contagious
She's persuasive with intelligence
Her words are harmonious
Wisdom Is She

Thursday, September 24, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: faith,knowledge,life,love,love and life,power
Chuy Amante 11 October 2015

in perfect balance she is god she is the bridge between mind and heart, the middle path she/he/we are wisdom I hope you don't mind my twist, I loved your verses and thought blessings

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Dr Antony Theodore 26 September 2015

Never speaks a thoughtless word She's careful with her actions and always knows to keep a calm prestige .. Wisdom is she. you are wise to write such a beautiful poem . may i write. Wisdom is Melissa

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Kelly Kurt 26 September 2015

A great poem, Melissa. Thanks for sharing

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