Wisdom Tooth Poem by Jaishree Nair

Wisdom Tooth

Rating: 5.0

You had eagerly awaited me once,
I had been your bosom mate since,
The sweetest of the sweetest you had shared,
The spiciest of the spiciest we had savoured....

I had helped you tide over the bitterness,
Your health and wellness my prior concern,
I had helped you tide over the sourness
the cold numbness, the scalding burns...

The wisdom in me you realised not
The strength in me you wanted not
The music in my chatter you minded not
The goosebumps of your touch I loved most!

You had taken me for granted
without the care that I had needed
Though my constant reminder had
pained you many a time, perhaps.

The damage to my health had taken root
Now unable to stand firm
Broken to pieces, the insides worn out
End near, doctor confirmed...

Your callous attitude had me weeping then,
as you did not care for a second opinion,
To kill me you went to the doc
My plaintivescreams of agony
You turned a deaf ear

And my corpse you threw away
Without a backward glance...! !

Sorrowfully yours
Wisdom Tooth

Anil Kumar Panda 20 October 2019

A very touching poem on unrequited love. If you love someone and ignored by him it is very pathetic. You have expressed your thoughts beautifully. Thanks for sharing. 'And my corpse you threw away Without a backward glance...! ! '.. is so sad.10++

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