just ignore me I am the invisible one, one who stands on the periphery
unnoticed at parties, chameleon taking on the wallpaper hue
one who watches and listens to the fights, divisions, with derision or....
don't imagine I'm sad, no, I like my wall flower stance
finding out what people really think in their snide asides, can't abides, flippant cries like buzzing flies.
pretenders, benders, defenders, extenders.
chancers, dancers, romancers, actresses and mattresses
hotty for totties, the professional virgins, male and female, orpanties dropping given the chance, blusher, rusher, huggy crushers, blusterers flusters those jolly musterers introducing a to b.
those who are red or blue, politicians in the making, already faking
that sincerity, personalitiespaper thick but hard to penetrate.
masters of double meanings.
drunks who are sober and the sober whoact drunk.
kitchen my oeuvre where pseudo intellectuals
babble, impressing the girls, they think, but come across lame
or the ones who think up-skirting is great or trying to bait
sleeper, weeper, aggros and sad rows those soporific chaps
who corner some hapless fellow turning him to gel-lo.
just ignore me I am the invisible one, one who stands on the periphery
unnoticed at parties, chameleon taking on the wallpaper hue
one who watches and listens to the fights, divisions, with derision,
so I can write, one day, about you. >>>>>>>>>>.
An outstanding and a very clever write, I really enjoyed that all of life was in your poem wth a swagger of your cast of characters!
An extremely powerful poem. I think to be a writer or poet one needs to be a keen observer. Full vote for this one.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
PH strikes AGAIN: " orpanties" Ok, this one i like, the poem that is. to MyPoemList. " adjective: up-skirt (of a photo or video) taken surreptitiously from an angle so as to see up a woman's skirt or dress." [[ i got caught in the grocery store up-kilting a Scotsman! ]] bri ;)