Yayati 6 - Yadu Poem by Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

Yayati 6 - Yadu

Rating: 5.0


When I look back from here
I realise, I have erred.

Not in refusing the throne;
But declining to relinquish
My youth for my father.

The scriptures had taught me


The throne was never mine.
I was old enough to decipher
The murmurs that lingered in
The corridors of the palace
Linking my name with that of
Kacha, the son of Brihaspati.

I am sure father knew the fact
But was gracious enough, not to
mention even to mother. He loved
Me more than even his sons.
Whatever I have is his; nothing
Mine. His was everything.


And Puru gave up everything
In return for nothing;
Proved the legitimate son.
Exchanged his youth for
the wrinkles father bore.
And refused the throne.

This moment he was young
Just turning fourteen
The next, old as the skies
Almost unable to stand erect.

Father nearly fell on his feet
To make him accept the empire.

And without hesitation,
He shared it with me.
So I became king too.


Prophets said 'you would
The favour to Puru return
Generations later, when
A noble descendant of yours
Will save from disaster
His progeny, the Puruvamsham.'

I wish it comes true, so
I can pay back at least
A fraction of my debt
Not just to Puru, but father too.

Yayati's story continues.Here, I have taken a poet's liberty in narrating Yadu's story, deviating from the original. Hope Vyaasa forgives me. Or, is this not concealed by Him in between the lines? And the prophesy: Krishna, borne to the descendants of Yadu, plays the key role in the defeat of Kauravas in the hands of Pandavas, both descendants of Puru. This is the main story of Mahabharat.
Jeanette Telusma 11 July 2017

Wonderful write and very captivating I might add. For this reason I shall continue reading. Thank you +++++10

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Unnikrishnan E S 12 July 2017

Hi Jeanette, Thank you for reading this series. And for this wonderful comment. Obliged.

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Poet Amber Piercy has added this poem to her favourites. Thank You, Dear Poet. For your kind heart.

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Abdulrazak Aralimatti 11 October 2022

A good attempt indeed but see that truth prevails.

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Thank you dear poet. Great that you enjoyed it

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UNNIKRISHNAN Sivasankara Menon 21 September 2022

Since the 16 September 2022, I have ranked 53rd among the "Best Member Poets" list featured on PoemHunter. My sincere gratitude to PoemHunter Administration and all my poet friends on the site.

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soren Barrett 20 April 2022

This contains a lesson well learned about what is earned not deserved.

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It is my pleasure, Soren

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Sylvia Frances Chan 16 April 2022

We have in Indonesia de Mahabharata ancient stories too, the same mythological source. Beautifully rendered, Unnikrishnan 5 Stars full Score

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It is a great feeling to understand that you enjoyed the series, Sylvia. I know that in Indonesia there is Mahabharata and Ramayanam. Might slightly different, but same in the essential. That makes your words more valuable

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Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

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