Yellow Flower Poem by yellowbell alamanda

Yellow Flower

Rating: 5.0

Remember that July afternoon
when we were walking under those tall trees,
wild flowers scattered on the meadow,
until we saw a beautiful flower alone,
so delighted, its color was yellow.

Sorrounded with those flowers we saw,
with your smile that painted the rainbow.
You offered that yellow flower to me,
and we goes hand in hand
so magical in a wonderful land.

I smelt its honey suckle scent
countend its blossoming petals,
while our eyes found the connection,
I thought we both had that one affection.

The sun sets behind the mountain,
while we're standing still on the plane,
feeling each other on the ground,
and the star twinkled from the dark gray sky.

suddenly, I fell to sleep,
with a smile on my lips.
But then when the morning light made me wake,
I found alone with the yellow flower from your foot steps.

I've searched for you, now i'm afraid.
The fairytale on a magical land,
with the wild flowers we found,
I'm in an enchanted place, and I dont like the way it sound.

Now I'm lost, looking for a way out.
with you the fairytale was gone,
so, wherever you are...goodbye, I have to go,
with the yellow flower you gave that turned blue.

to gentle wind...

Ency Bearis 09 November 2009

a good symbolic write...well written....meaningful poem........10 (maybe you are inspired by former President Cory Aquino's favorite color...God Bless Her Soul)

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