You Can Take The House Out Of The Gutter Poem by Paula Glynn

You Can Take The House Out Of The Gutter

You can take the house out of the gutter
But you can't take the mind out of the gutter
He'll always have dirty fingernails
He'll always have greasy hair
He'll always simply never care.

His house could be a showhome
His house could have perfect symmetry
His house could be perfectly organized
But he will still leave a dirty mess
His crockery will still be piled up unwashed.

He sees the dark side of life: his mind confused
He is warped and twisted: his mind used
To conjure up a mythological genie
That will grant him great riches
But he'll always be a dirty mess.

He is a man of rage and sorrow:
The two never mix well
His deeply evil yet loving heart broken
By his supposedly good parents
Parents who controlled rather than supported.

His parents were poverty strickened
By their evil and manipulative narcissistic ways
Rather than by their cheaply earned money
They would be cruel to be kind
All the while torturing his innocent mind.

His parents' house wasn't in the gutter
But his parents' minds always unfortunately were
Their influence causing him doom for tomorrow
But he is growing up to be wise in his old age
Knowing he has finally surpassed his parents' rage.

Paula Glynn

Paula Glynn

Essex, Britain
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