You Say (A Lover’s Confession) ! ! ! Poem by Compton Wright

You Say (A Lover’s Confession) ! ! !

Rating: 3.5

You say love me because I’m different from the rest
You say that you would sacrifice parts of you for me
To lose that mental state of distrust you had upon you
So now you trust me to the highest part of your soul
You say that the relationship should be two of us happy
Not just one of us but that’s the reason why I’m so depressed
The reason why my anger boils up even more inside my mind
As in our points of view of our love combining and expanding
As each month became so heavenly but yet so much hell bound

My heart is starting to become lost in its way to know love purpose
As upon your presence is pure and warm hearten for the two of us
But my heart likes twist and turn otherwise thinking staying and leaving
The next minute I want to pop the question and let you be my wife forever
But than the next minute I can feel my heart shattered in thousand glass shards
I can see you looking deeply into my eyes, loving me for who I am…beautiful
As you try to love me I sometimes look away because the distasteful truth
That hurtful feeling that makes my skin shiver and crawl all over my body
The making of a heartbroken moment for you and I to have one day to come
Seeing the truth is…I don’t love you no more, not like a goddess but just a best friend

You say that you hate my existence and why I let you suffer all this time
As my response was very lightly and calm but yet inside I wanted to cry
I’m a complex man with instincts and vibes of a lover’s charm and passion
But with a mind of misguided decisions and actions I follow mistakenly
You say that I broke your heart and I should leave your sights for good
I don't want to leave your side as this profound touch between two of us is sacred
But now as I see our relationship turn into ashes of fallen lovers in plain sight

As I heard you say I love you Compton please stay with me and let me love you
This doesn’t have to end like this, we can start over and make it work trust me
My heart felt the second chance bleeding outside of me to give her dearly but…
I spoke gently I have to find my purpose of love to who I really forever love
From best friends to lovers we became as we crossed that line but I must leave
I want you to be free to love and marry your true lover as you’ll be infinitely blessed
So forget my existence, my love and my charm as I want you to grow and stretch your soul desire to your dreams and your life, your last words will forever echo my mind
I shall never forget your love and you compassion upon my heart and soul…thank you

Rachel Butler 11 October 2009

I want to leave your side as this profound touch between two of us is sacred Rachel Ann Butler

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Tyease Collins 02 October 2009

love love LOVE AHHH sooo beautiful! ! ! <3 -Ellie

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Compton Wright

Compton Wright

Washington DC
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