Your Assessment Pleases Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Your Assessment Pleases

Rating: 2.8

If I had no embedded indoctrinations,
Or a thumb to suck when I was young.
Would I be as stunned to discover,
Those unaccustomed to living in the projects...
Had less dysfunctions,
Than the ones I was 'told' I had?

Especially when I grew up in a time,
When all my neighbors kept their doors opened.
And parents disciplined not only their children,
But any child within their reach.

And those who lived in suburbs then,
Would pretend they did not sit on toilets.
And I often wondered about that.
Since my mom would often say...
'Just be 'you'.
Let others folks think they have silver spoons in their mouths.
And walk around with their butts on their shoulders.'

For a very long time I looked for this.
I wanted my mother's visions to be validated.

May I ask you a question? ~

'What is it now...
Larry? '

~Check this out.
I've been looking all around for folks,
With silver spoons in their mouths.
And butts on their shoulders.
I walked all over too!
Where did you see this? ~

Something is wrong with you! '

My mother had her way of telling my sisters and I...
We were 'different' children.

If I had no embedded indoctrinations,
Or a thumb to suck when I was young.
Would I be as stunned to discover,
Those unaccustomed to living in the projects...
Had less dysfunctions,
Than the ones I was 'told' I had?

And I think about my childhood every now and then.
Wondering about all of those 'fortunate' and well dressed children.
Living in the suburbs.
And why they seem to have more problems then we had?
And why those 'kids' now with children...
Can't seem to hold themselves accountable,
For allowing the world to get sooo

Something is wrong with you! '

~Thank you, Ma!
I 'think' I know what you mean.~

'That's good to hear.
Now prove it by leaving me alone,
And go outside to play...
Like you're a 'normal' child.*

Your assessment pleases.~

*Boy, if you don't get outta my face! *

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