Yourheart Takes You. Poem by Dr. Antony Theodore

Yourheart Takes You.

Rating: 5.0

Go where your heart
takes you and asks to go.

Heart has its reasons
which your reason
may not understand.

Control the mind
and control your thoughts.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: control,heart,mind,thoughts
Mahtab Bangalee 18 September 2019

(......) you have no frame, no shape, amorphous you are on this earth but after wearing the cloth (physical body) you take a shape differently through different languages, colors, beliefs, thoughts, cultures.....etc in disguise O dear now you need to take off the the disguise, the body(cloth) to seek the real you........! !

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Mahtab Bangalee 18 September 2019

O dear you are beautiful but that is the inside need to know it you are not the body yeah; note on it the body is the cloth of you merely cloth of you and you the thoughts. the mind, the heart, the soul (the different name of you) (........)

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Kumarmani Mahakul 18 September 2019

A tender and positive heart feels the reason and season. This heart mesmerizes mind. An interesting poem is beautifully penned.10

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Kingsley Egbukole 18 September 2019

When you are directed by the Holy Spirit, you must follow. Thanks for sharing

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