Raj Dronamraju Poems

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Husbands And Wives

She was quietly sordid, her name was middle age
"You ought to make me clean" she volunteered
Always a different similarity
And that was how boredom ran the family through a mill

Environment Over Heredity

Like Charles Manson sensationalized murders
In and out of reform school, no real home life
Abuse is an absolute, it's a constant state of affairs
Wonder why the victims of cruelty turn cruel

Self-Made Man

Personal biography is meaningless in application
Personal biography is too small a tent to cover the assembled crowd
I have done this, look at my bank account
I have done this, where do I come for?

Hitler Charlie Brown

Hitler Charlie Brown made a friend of stifled ambition and unrealized goals
Hitler Charlie Brown ate more than his fair share of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
Hitler Charlie Brown got too full of himself

I Want To Work You Out Of Me

I want to work you out of me
Through hours spent in the gym
Lifting weights, running on the treadmill
Feel very milliliter of you pouring out of me as sweat

Disfigured Rose

It was the last left of the season
Most of its petals gone
Stooped from the rain and the coming of the cold
Lost its luster under the relentless pressure of living

Proust In A Lunchbox

What triggered my memory was a metal lunch box
The kind construction workers carry
And I thought of how as a child the construction workers I saw in a McDonalds
With their big metal lunchboxes

The Mythmaker's Personal Attachment

Attendant to the sloganeering of your serialized guru
Who gives out by the end of the season and then is repeated all through the summer
Suppose a boy struck out on his own at the beginning of summer
Bringing nothing in his knapsack he couldn't consume

The Day Of The Rebuff

I received not one, not two, not three no thanks
Say it three times and your personalized darkness is released from its prison
Then I'll have a friend for a drink and a self-doubt session
Then I'll have a friend who volunteers to haunt me

The Questionable Priorities Of A Young American Female

She cried when she found her bicycle had been stolen
Lay on the bed in a fetal ball and emitted loud heaving sobs
The chain that had been cut flopped in the wind
Her expensive tennis shoes commiserated open mouthed

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