When the day breaks
with the broken morning memories,
The secondary morning mind
Laughs with dropping eyedrops.

যখন ওই পাথর চাঁপা মাটিতে ওঠে
কচি পল্লবের বেদনার গাওয়া গান,
ভেবে দেখো, কে ছিল তার স্রষ্টা?
শীতঘুম পেরিয়ে এসে তাপে জাগ্রত,

I have lost you on this day when I was eight,
Every Spring brings this day to renew memory light.
All days run in rapid race through works to cover,
But today's morn is dedicated to pluck the flower.

A hope was it,
You would come
Before my brooding eyes.
I was sick.

ভোমরা লিখেছে নাম কুঞ্জবনে,
অলি গলি ভরেছে নব সুর তানে।
বসন্ত বাতাসে বাড়ন্ত এই মৌ রানী,
কালবোশেখের কামনায় কাঙালী।

হয়তো লেখা আছে,
কোনো এক অন্ধগলির আলোয়
দেখা হবে দুই পাখির;
দূরে কোনো বাতায়নে


The sweet sorrow of solitary siren
Calls the day before the morn hen,
'Dress up and go', to eliminate foe.

In the far country green
I will go with my dream,
Hand in hand in this sand
I will leave to tighten band.

It is a waiting without a hope,
Anyhow my hand would loop
Your soul's last engraved rope.

Leave me alone or I will leave thee
I want more space to make mind free;
It is Winter and long days ice to shower
And waiting for Spring and its flower.

রাঁধতে যদি চাও তুমি
লাগবে তরি তরকারি,
কয়েকটার নাম জানাটা
বড্ড বেশি দরকারি।

থেমে গেছে নদী যত মোহনার কুলে
খরাতে ভেসেছে দেশ হাহাকার তুলে,
সবুজ পৃথিবী জ্বলে চির সবুজ তলে
মানুষ মানুষের হাহাকার কেনে বলে।


On the happy day of Valentine
In the heavenly Pulwama fine
The brave soldiers of sacrifice
Sacrificed lives for terror's vice.

Behold little Nur, his smile is bright,
He is to touch the heavenly love of light,
How joyous the day for of us all
We are ready to witness your call.

With the words of Oodgeroo
I would say, 'We are going...'.
Context is different I know,
But 'We are going' is true.

The evening horizon with dark distant line,
And empty Earth with flowery moon-shine;
O how beautiful the Earth would be sure
When silent silence talks with silence pure.

One day if he be poet,
Read his poem and poems;
He would carve your name and names
And would draw a picture and pictures

সেই এক শ্রাবণ দিনের তটিনীর বুকে
যখন মেঘ মাল্লার বাইবে বন্যার দাঁড়,
বুঝি ভেসে যাবে কোনো এক গাঁয়ে
নেই তো হাহাকারের কোনো ছাড়।

শান্ত নীরব গাঁয়ের পাশে প্রকৃতি হাসে
ওই বাঁশবন উঁকি মারে অঞ্জনার পাশে,
শান্ত নীড় আঁকিবুকি মেঠো পথ ও ঘাট
সূর্য্যি মামা অস্তে দিগন্তে রাঙা ফাঁকা মাঠ;


Hi! This is RAJAT GHOSH. He was born in a village named BALINDAR. It is in Purba Barddhaman, West Bengal, India.He has completed his Graduation in English Honours in 2015 from Burdwan Raj College affliated to The University of Burdwan. " I started writing poetry in my mother tongue Bengali when I just started my English honours. One day, one of my respected teachers, SK NURUL HUDA asked me to write English poems. Through his inspiration and guidance I, for the first time, wrote my first English poem, " BLACK INK; ABOVE DEATH" . I do believe that I am not a poet.I am one who has just started to express his feelings in words. For me, poetry is nothing but a painting of feelings in words" .)

The Best Poem Of RAJAT GHOSH

Thorns Of Life

When the day breaks
with the broken morning memories,
The secondary morning mind
Laughs with dropping eyedrops.

Days pass by and
Heartbeats beat the hammered chest.
Red shaped heart turns pale
With the ecstasy of running time.

Night comes in the west and
The owls scream somewhere in dark.
An empty cage hears their sorry songs
And none to unlock the closed door.

Nights pass by and
Heartbeats rest upon the thorns of life.


B.m. Biswas 15 May 2017

Thanks Rajat for your gratitude to me giving me so respect acknowledging my words on you. But remember the quality of a great poet as man of feelings was within you and it is your credit to express your concerns of the world you live..... I am sure you will go to far.... Keep walking.

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Be positive, think positive, look positive, do positive.Success must come to you.

Don't think that somebody hates you, but do something that makes everybody to love you.

Let not advertise your talents, but convert your talents into a media for others to advertise their talents.

Respect your seniors and love your juniors, you will get success in life.

If the world would become a single house, if the different countries would become the different rooms and if the different people would become different furniture, I would coloured them all with white.

True friendship has a beginning without an ending....

A dog is more desirable than a faithless-friend.

Every single event can be translated into poetry.

সম্পর্কের অবনতির জন্য একক ভাবে কেউও দায়ী নয়। জটিল রসায়নের জীবনে সম্পর্কের উন্নয়নে সকলেরই অনুঘটক রূপে প্রতিভাত হওয়া উচিত।

Love, flourished in mind, cannot conquer your heart.

Today's words are tomorrow's quotation.

Life is a series of exams with uncertain and unexpected results.

Update the version of your self with the changing ambiance of technological people.

Life is like a hot bubbling busy water dancing with vapours within a closed valve-less pressure cooker placed upon the crater with a little way to escape

Popularity never preaches the posting of pictures of the 'self' rather popularity defines the presence of multiple 'selves' of the 'self' among 'themselves'.

যখন টাকা থাকবে না, তখন মন থাকবে; টাকা থাকলে আগের মন থাকবে না। আসলে হাতে টাকা না থাকলে মানুষ ভাবে বেশি, আর টাকা থাকলে মানুষের ভাবনা গুলোও সংকীর্ণ হয়ে পড়ে।

The more was the distance and difficulty in life, the more was the bonding; lesser the first two, the least is the last.

Breaking the norm is what super modern form.

Break-up is the make up for a unique performance upon the stage of metamorphosed life

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